Dirar and His Journey to Austria
This podcast will take you on a trip across the world … without you having to go anywhere. Alessandro Contado chats with Dirar Alshwikh Alabd, a Syrian language teacher, about his inspirational journey from Aleppo to the borders of Austria. Dirar’s positive attitude, his gratitude towards his new home, and his excellent German skills make him a great narrator. Are you ready for this conversation? Let’s lift the curtain, then.

Der steile Weg ins Unbekannte

by Alessandro Contado | Interview with Dirar Alshwikh Alabd

Contributor: Alessandro Contado
Interviewee: Dirar Alshwikh Alabd
Language: German

This podcast was produced in a course on crisis communication in refugee aid that was led by Yannick Wagner and financed through the ReTrans project.

Suggested citiation:
Contando, A. (Host). (2023). Der steile Weg ins Unbekannte [Audio Podcast] Retrieved from https://www.retrans-interpreting.com/project/dirar-and-his-journey-to-austria