From Being a Refugee to Interpreting for Refugees
Imagine arriving in a foreign country with only a few personal belongings. You left your family behind during a life-threatening attack, you had to say goodbye to your country with no hope of ever returning. Welcome to Clara’s life. This podcast revolves around the story of Clara, a Ukrainian refugee. The podcast tells of Clara’s experiences during her journey to Austria and her work as an interpreter at the Diakonie's Ukraine Advice Centre.

Eine Dolmetscherin in der Flüchtlingshilfe

by Yuliia Metka | Interview with Clara – Pseudonym


Contributor: Yuliia Metka
Interviewee: Clara – Pseudonym
Language: German

This podcast was produced in a course on crisis communication in refugee aid that was led by Yannick Wagner and financed through the ReTrans project.

Suggested citiation:
Metka, Y. (Host). (2023). Eine Dolmetscherin in der Flüchtlingshilfe [Audio Podcast] Retrieved from