Interpreting the First Weeks of the Russo-Ukrainian War
“I was crying on the subway at 1.30 a.m.” In this podcast, Anna Berezkina and Olena Sarvadii talk about their experiences as volunteer Ukrainian interpreters at the Vienna Central Station. Both students address the rewarding and emotionally challenging nature of community interpreting. They also provide an insight into the Centre for Translation Studies’ response to the invasion of Ukraine.

ZTW Studierende als Dolmetscher*innen in der akuten Flüchtlingskrise

by Anna Berezkina & Olena Sarvadi


Contributor: Anna Berezkina & Olena Sarvadi
Language: German

This podcast was produced in a course on crisis communication in refugee aid that was led by Yannick Wagner and financed through the ReTrans project.

Suggested citiation:
Berezkina , A. Sarvadi, O. (2023). ZTW Studierende als Dolmetscher*innen in der akuten Flüchtlingskrise [Audio Podcast] Retrieved from