Lost in Interpretation
“My job as a Ukrainian interpreter is to facilitate communication. I’m not there to just transpose words.” Marina Bulycheva’s podcast sheds light on community interpreters as essential figures offering help to refugees. Community interpreters do more than just rephrase; they build bridges between very different cultures. Tune in and hear from Marina on the rewards and challenges of her career as a Ukrainian interpreter.

Professionelle Dolmetscher*innen in der Flüchtlingshilfe – Herausforderungen, Selbstwahrnehmung und Berufsstandards

by Marina Bulycheva


Mitwirkende: Marina Bulycheva
Language: German

This podcast was produced in a course on crisis communication in refugee aid that was led by Yannick Wagner and financed through the ReTrans project.

Suggested citiation:
Bulycheva, M. (Host). (2023). Der steile Weg ins Unbekannte [Audio Podcast] Retrieved from https://www.retrans-interpreting.com/project/lost-in-interpretation