Resilience During the Russo-Ukrainian War
Szymon Berłowski, a Polish paramedic stationed at the Poland-Ukraine border, tried to help his patients cope with the trauma of war. But he was living through it himself. What role does resilience play during wartime? Which coping strategies do Ukrainians use to deal with the stress imposed by the war? Dominika Ziobro sat down with Szymon to provide some answers to these questions.

Grenzsetzung in der Krisenkommunikation

by Dominika Ziobro | Interview with Szymon Berłowski


Contributors: Dominika Ziobro
Interviewee: Szymon Berłowski – Not audible in the podcast
Language: German

This podcast was produced in a course on crisis communication in refugee aid that was led by Yannick Wagner and financed through the ReTrans project.

Suggested citiation:
Ziobro, D. (Host). (2023). Grenzsetzung in der Krisenkommunikation [Audio Podcast] Retrieved from