Tech for Good: Social Media and Migration
Social media has become integrated into our everyday lives as a site for entertainment, business, and politics. Today, however, many NGOs and humanitarian organizations use social channels as an accelerator for positive change in the world. This is where Mercan Falter comes in: Mercan was posting content on Train of Hope’s social media sites at the beginning of the Russo-Ukrainian war. What challenges did she face as a volunteer? Listen to Elena Mitterhofer’s podcast to find out more.

Social Media als Kommunikationsträger in der akuten Flüchtlingshilfe

by Elena Mitterhofer | Interview with Mercan Falter


Contributor: Elena Mitterhofer
Interviewee: Mercan Falter
Language: German

This podcast was produced in a course on crisis communication in refugee aid that was led by Yannick Wagner and financed through the ReTrans project.

Suggested citiation:
Mitterhofer, E. (Host). (2023). Social Media als Kommunikationsträger in der akuten Flüchtlingshilfe [Audio Podcast] Retrieved from