Training Video 3: Working with Public Service Interpreters: Details That Matter

The following training video on public service interpreting was produced by students at the Ionian University in Greece. The postgraduate students approach various topics such as professionalism, cultural awareness, and key qualities of public service interpreters from an entertaining perspective. The training video is followed by detailed instructions for group discussions and hypothetical scenarios.

This informative 3-minute training video is an engaging simulation that presents a job interview scenario, where an experienced Public Service Interpreter (PSI) is applying for a job position. The interlocutors engage in a discussion covering critical aspects, including working hours, thematic preparation, payment, and the essential quality of impartiality, shedding light on the intricacies of the interpreter's role. Viewers gain valuable insights into the factors that can make or break a successful collaboration with a PSI. In a brief segment, the video then provides a glimpse of the interpreter in action, showcasing the practical application of their skills and the significance of effective interpretation in real-world scenarios.

Training video 3: “Working With a Public Service Interpreter: Details That Matter”

Role-play: This activity allows participants to identify the key qualities of public service interpreters by engaging in a hypothetical job interview. Divide the participants into groups of three to four people. Assign roles: one interviewer, one public service interpreter, and one or two observers who will give feedback. The interviewer and the public service interpreter should face each other. Ask the participants to describe: 

  • the job the public service interpreter has applied for
  • the place where the interaction takes place
  • the communicative purpose of the interaction and
  • the challenges that might arise.
  • The public service interpreters’ goal is to convince the interviewer of their suitability for the job. After the role-play, the public service interpreters are asked to reflect on the scenario. The following questions can be asked:
    • How did you try to convince the interviewer of your suitability?
    • What key qualities did you mention other than your language combination or work experience?
    • What did you find challenging?
    • What strategies did you use to overcome any problems?
    • What could you have done differently?
  • The observers are then asked for their feedback.

Chatzistefanou Nefeli, Gkonopoulou Olga, Stavraki Parthena
– Students from the Ionian University, Department of Foreign Languages, Translation and Interpreting

Suggested citiation: Chatzistefanou Nefeli, Gkonopoulou Olga, Stavraki Parthena (2023) “ReTrans Student Video: Working with Public Service Interpreters: Details That Matter”. Produced by students from the Ionian University, Department of Foreign Languages, Translation and Interpreting, Greece. Available at