The Western Balkans Route − Challenges and Highlights From 2015 up to the Present
In this opening episode of the ReTrans vodcasts, government representatives openly discuss for the first time the numerous challenges and practices that took place during the migrant wave in 2015, as well as its repercussions up to the present. By starting with the distinction between regular and irregular migration and raising the question of the causes of flight and migration, the stakeholders along the countries of the Western Balkans Route (namely N. Macedonia, Greece, Slovenia, and Austria) share their empirical experiences and address the needs and shortages when interacting across borders in humanitarian contexts with refugees and migrants on their way to better living conditions. Transregional and nationwide cooperation between institutions and organizations in terms of refugee protection (providing remote interpretation services, accommodation, integration, etc.) complement this discussion.

Script: Simoska Silvana
ReTrans Team: Simoska Silvana, Savikj Zhaneta, Sekulovski Dario, Sekulovski Lazar
Interviewers: Dimopoulou Maria, Pečovnik Lina, Pournari Eirini, Pöllabauer Sonja, Pušnik Anemari, Vovko Tjaša
Transcript and Translation: Dimitrieska Daniela, Furnadjiska Viktorija, Grozdanovska Mihaila, Ivanovska Irina, Kulevska Jovana, Taneska Ivona
Interviewees: Andonovski Jovan, Angelov Stojanche, Bislimovski Vladimir, Gselman Sedak Metka, Hamad Hisham, Ivkovski Dejan, NGO representative (anonymous), Noack-Brammer Marion, Pavlaki Claire, Stojanovski Goran, Trpevska Milica, Tuneva-Paunovska Suzana


Suggested citiation: Simoska Silvana, Aleksoska-Chkatroska Mirjana, Panova-Ignjatovikj Tatjana, Savikj Zhaneta, Sekulovski Dario, Sekulovski Lazar, Dimopoulou Maria, Pečovnik Lina, Pournari Eirini, Pöllabauer Sonja, Pušnik Anemari, Vovko Tjaša (2023) “ReTrans Vodcast No. 1: The Western Balkans Route − Challenges and Highlights From 2015 up to the Present”. Available at: