Interpreting Between Empathy and Professionalism: Interpreters as Cultural Mediators Along the Western Balkans Route
In this vodcast, the ReTrans team discovers the challenges faced by interpreters and their crucial role in bridging gaps between diverse cultures. The vodcast highlights the delicate balance between empathy and professionalism that interpreters must maintain while grappling with ethical dilemmas. It shows valuable insights into their remarkable efforts to overcome language barriers and cultural differences, provide essential services, and ensure access to information and legal representation. Join us as we delve into their experiences of aiding migrants, refugees, and asylum seekers, and witness the profound impact they have on communication and understanding. Experience firsthand the stories and reflections of interpreters as they navigate the complexities of their role, fostering empathy and connection in an often tense and uncertain environment.

Script: Silvana Simoska & Savikj Zhaneta
ReTrans Team: Simoska Silvana, Sekulovski Dario, Sekulovski Lazar
Interviewers: Pasch Harald, Pöllabauer Sonja, Pournari Eirini, Pušnik Anemari, Stathopoulou Sofia, Vidinić Jasna, Vovko Tjaša
Interviewees: Dabić Mascha, Fouladvand Novak Sanam, Hamad Hisham, Motamed Hosseini Hamid, Ivkovski Dejan, Kyriakopoulou Maria, Lukančič Kompara Mojca, NGO representative (anonymous), Omar Maryam, volunteer interpreter (anonymous)

Suggested citiation: Simoska Silvana, Savikj Zhaneta, Aleksoska-Chkatroska Mirjana,  Panova-Ignjatovikj Tatjana, Sekulovski Dario, Sekulovski Lazar, Pasch Harald, Pöllabauer Sonja, Pournari Eirini, Pušnik Anemari, Stathopoulou Sofia, Vidinić Jasna, Vovko Tjaša (2023) “ReTrans Vodcast No. 2: Interpreting Between Empathy and Professionalism: Interpreters as Cultural Mediators Along the Western Balkans Route”. Available at: