Interpreting Between Empathy and Professionalism: The “Ideal Interpreter” – Skills and Competences of Interpreters in Humanitarian Context
The ReTrans Project and this episode look back at interpreting and its significance for migrants on the Balkan Route. This will greatly benefit students and others studying and training to become interpreters, both lay and professional, those already working in this field, as well as all others thinking and planning to enter it. It’s full of personal insights and experiences which help paint a more complete picture of the complexities when it comes to the skills and competences, yet also the very important ingredient of empathy and human touch all very necessary to complete the profile of this intriguing profession.

Script: Simionska Magdalena
ReTrans Team: Simoska Silvana, Savikj Zhaneta, Sekulovski Dario, Sekulovski Lazar
Interviewers: Ahamer Vera, Heinisch Barbara, Iacono Katia, Karamizari Electra, Pasch Harald, Pečovnik Lina, Pöllabauer Sonja, Pušnik Anemari, Stathopoulou Sofia, Vidinić Jasna, Vovko Tjaša
Interviewees: Bunea Cristina, Dabić Mascha, Fouladvand Novak Sanam, Gselman Sedak Metka, Hamad Hisham, Heinisch Barbara, Ibrahim, Kyriakopoulou Maria, Lukančič Kompara Mojca, Motamed Hosseini Hamid, Noack-Brammer Marion, Sadegi Mustafa, Trpevska Milica, volunteer interpreter (anonymous)

Suggested citiation:
Magdalena Simionska, Mirjana Aleksoska-Chkatroska, Tatjana Panova-Ignjatovikj, Zhaneta Savikj, Dario Sekulovski, Lazar Sekulovski, Silvana Simoska, Ahamer Vera, Heinisch Barbara, Iacono Katia, Karamizari Electra, Pasch Harald, Pečovnik Lina, Pöllabauer Sonja, Pušnik Anemari, Stathopoulou Sofia, Vidinić Jasna, Vovko Tjaša  (2023) “ReTrans Vodcast No. 4: Interpreting Between Empathy and Professionalism: The “Ideal Interpreter” – Skills and Competences of Interpreters in Humanitarian Context”. Available at: