Working with Interpreters in Refugee Transit Zones along the Western Balkan Route: Demands, Challenges, and Solutions
This episode features government representatives committed to the cause of refugees and forcibly displaced people along the Western Balkan route (Greece, N. Macedonia, Slovenia, and Austria), as well as experts in other fields of practice that are intertwined with the interpreter-mediated encounters. It also gives voice to those who are working as interpreters for refugees and migrants, and they share their experiences and the challenges they face as interpreters in the field. The aim of this vodcast is to explore the service providers' experiences and practice in relation to situations that require cross-cultural communication. They talk about the interpretation-related challenges and about the role of the interpreter, whereby they identify their demands in recruiting interpreters to maintain a high level of performance: the skills required to interpret for refugees, cultural awareness, ethics, emotional reflexivity, and the different work contexts. On their part, they also stress the interpreters' need for support, such as that provided in briefing and debriefing sessions, further training, and counselling. Finally, the government representatives and experts offer solutions in overcoming the issues regarding the recruitment and training of interpreters in order to improve the provision of interpretation. Actually, training and awareness-raising are highlighted as the two key factors that the respective national governments should invest in, since the biggest barrier for refugees often is not a physical border, but language itself.

Script: Panova-Ignjatovik Tatjana
ReTrans-Team: Simoska Silvana, Sekulovski Lazar, Aleksoska-Chkatroska Mirjana, Pöllabauer Sonja, Simionska Magdalena, Savikj Zhaneta, Sekulovski Dario
Interviewers: Dimopoulou Maria, Pečovnik Lina, Pöllabauer Sonja, Stathopoulou Sofia, Vidinić Jasna, Vovko Tjaša
Interviewees: Andonovski Jovan, Angelov Stojanche, Bagherzadeh Hani, Bislimovski Vladimir, Bunea Cristina, Gselman Sedak Metka, Ivkovski Dejan, Kyriakopoulou Maria, Lukančič Kompara Mojca, Motamed Hosseini Hamid, Nikolovski Mile, Noack-Brammer Marion, Omar Maryam, Pavlaki Claire, Stojanovski Goran, Trpevska Milica

Suggested citiation:
Tatjana Panova-Ignjatovikj,  Aleksoska-Chkatroska Mirjana, Savikj Zhaneta, Sekulovski Dario, Sekulovski Lazar, Silvana Simoska, Ahamer Vera, Heinisch Barbara, Iacono Katia, Karamizari Electra, Pasch Harald, Pečovnik Lina, Pöllabauer Sonja, Pušnik Anemari, Stathopoulou Sofia, Vidinić Jasna, Vovko Tjaša (2023) “ReTrans Vodcast No. 5: Working Within Refuges in Transit Zones Along the Western Balkan Route: Demands, Challenges, and Solutions”. Available at: