NGOs Along the Western Balkans Route and Their Role in Recruiting Interpreters
You are a NGO’s representative and work with migrants in Refugee Transit Zones? You have difficulties with recruiting interpreters for rare languages? You face everyday challenges during the interaction with migrants? Then, you are on the right place! In this Vodcast, we give you a short insight in the experiences and the practice directly from the field. Thanks to authentic interviews, you will see how stakeholders from UNHCR, Greece, North Macedonia, Slovenia and Austria cope with their tasks in assuring quality communication with migrants and vulnerable groups. You will get advices how to address your needs of language mediation in humanitarian contexts and how to manage language service provision.

Script: Aleksoska-Chkatroska Mirjana
ReTrans-Team: Simoska Silvana, Savikj Zhaneta, Sekulovski Dario, Sekulovski Lazar
Interviewers: Ahamer Vera, Heinisch Barbara, Karamizari Electra, Pournari Eirini, Pöllabauer Sonja, Pušnik Anemari, Vidinić Jasna, Vovko Tjaša
Interviewees: Bunea Cristina, Gselman Sedak Metka, Hamad Hisham, Ibrahim, Lukančič Kompara Mojca, NGO representative (anonymous), Sadegi Mustafa, Tuneva-Paunovska Suzana, volunteer interpreter (anonymous)

Suggested citiation:

Aleksoska-Chkatroska Mirjana,  Panova-Ignjatovikj Tatjana, Savikj Zhaneta, Sekulovski Dario, Sekulovski Lazar, Silvana Simoska, Ahamer Vera, Heinisch Barbara, Karamizari Electra, Pournari Erini, Pöllabauer Sonja, Pušnik Anemari, Vidinić Jasna, Vovko Tjaša (2023) “ReTrans Vodcast No. 6: NGOs Along the Western Balkans Route and Their Role in Recruiting Interpreters”. Available at: